Of Dust
My very first collection, a small chapbook that I still hold dear.
Approximately Paradise
Took me ten years to find a publisher; finalist for the Walt Whitman Award.
Before Kodachrome
Took only five years to publish this one; “a devastating
family album of snapshots and reflections” (David St. John).
In Lands Imagination Favors
My heart still skips a beat every time I see
this one’s cover; shortlisted for the Rubery Book Award.
The Flow of Wonder
All sonnets (but one); “in the loose decasyllabic lines of
[this collection] the past flows into the immediate present in startling ways...” (Michael Waters).
A Different Heaven: New & Selected Poems
My latest, bringing together the best of my life’s work up to now; “[R]eflects Schofield’s handpicked, concise selection, showcasing writing rich with intelligence and eros and the kind of simplicity that engages the reader [from] the first few lines.”
(Thomas Mitchell).
Kindled Terraces: American Poets in Greece
My quest to foreground the wealth of other writers who have been drawn to this land I now call home; “This is a journey into Greece we do not find in guides written for tourists”
(Dino Siotis, founder of Wire Press).